About Me

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atiqah rusli
i'm n0t a perfect gurlz , my hair d0esn't alwys sty in place & i spill things a l0t . i'm pretty clumsy & s0metimes i have a br0ken heart . my frenz & i s0metimes fight & maybe s0me days n0thing g0es light but when i think b0ut it & take a step back i remember h0w amazing life truly is & that maybe . just maybe . i like being UNPERFECT
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at last !
saia da buley lupekan kam0o .
grr ! sukenye =)
walaup0n kadang kadang ade ase rindu . tapi ta seter0k duLu .
hee <3
if he is dumb en0ugh t0 leave
then b smart en0ugh t0 let him g0 .
bet0l ta ? hehe .
n0w .. saia da buley ter0sakn LIFE saia tanpe kam0o !
emang susa unt0k diterime bile 0wnk yg kite sayang  , sayang 0wnk laen .
sape b0ley ark ?
but is0ke , life must g0es 0n !
mude lagi k0dd .
hee =)

Learned A Lot !

I've learned a l0t . 
I've Learned t0 just accept d things tat ar given t0 me in Life & n0t questi0n things t0o much . 
I've Learned tat u have t0 make mistakes in 0rder t0 Learn fr0m them . I've Learned tat u can't depend 0n any0ne eLse but y0urseLf , s0 in d end alL u realLy have is yourseLf . 
I n0e tat watever d0esn't kilL u , 0nLy makes u str0nger .

There is a p0int in your life
When you realize wh0 matters ,
Wh0 [never] Did , wh0 always will ,
and wh0 w0nt anym0re
So d0n't w0rry ab0ut pe0ple fr0m
y0ur past , there's a reas0n they didn't
make it t0 y0ur [future]

untuk KAMOO !

heyy u !
even kite caple ta smpai due bulan ! but 0wnk ta rase ralat put0s ngan kam0o .
maybe ini jalan terbaek t0k kite bedue .
kam0o ngan life kam0o n , saia ngan life saia .
emang mulemule saia sedey . tapi bile pikir balik . ini adalah yg terbaek .
single is better rite . myb kam0o tade prasaan , yea larr an .. lepas put0s b0ley caple lagi .
but 4 me . better single !
n0w saia b0ley time kenyataan yg kam0o suda pergi dari life saia .
h0pe saia ta kn jumpe pers0n like u anym0re !
emang saia amat merindui awak . teramat sangat !
but , saia akan try t0 f0rget u !
saia ta na ingatkan kenangan apeape p0n semase bersame awk .
i believe tat everything happen f0r a reas0n .
saia tau saia silap , myb dulu saia layan awak mcm na tana jea kan .
tapi percaye larh . saia ta maks0d macm tu p0n .
tapi sume tue tade gune da skunk .
anyway ! saia appy selame bersame ngan awk .
n h0pe kam0o appy bersame ngan.......
g0od Luck !
satu jea saia na pesan kat awk 
"Do wat make u happy
Be wif wh0 make u smile
Laugh as much as u breathe
& Love as l0ng as u live ! "

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